Monday, November 15, 2010


Hello again!

Sorry for the lack of updates, Christmas time and back to school has been crazy! Not to mention all the colds I've been getting due to lack of sleep, phew. I'm currently working on a new food photography layout as well as a movie poster (it looks awesome, so stay tuned) but in the meantime, here are some cute family pictures I took over Christmas time. Enjoy!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Architectural Prelim


Sorry for the lack of updates, school is a tiiiny bit crazy right now. The amount of time I have for myself is very very little. Anywho, I have a bit of time on my hands so I just wanted to show you a little teaser of my architecture. This is just my prelim, mind you, not my final, but it should give you a rough idea. Here are some shots!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Richmond Fair!

Our first assignment given to us at school was to shoot the Richmond fair. The weather was beautiful and sunny, but as most photographers know, sunny weather is pretty tricky to expose. The result? Bright highlights and dark shadows. I'm really thankful for having teachers with great Photoshop knowledge.

Here are some pictures from yesterday.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back in School

After a long, warm, uneventful summer, I'm finally back in school for my second, and final year. I couldn't be more ecstatic to be back. It's amazing being around people who have the same love and passion for photography as I have. It's also amazing to have access to a studio again and equipment to shoot with!

Before school gets too crazy (because believe me, it will!) I decided to have a little late evening shoot with Tara, a very photogenic girl I met on facebook through mutual friends. I sure find models in random places!

Here are a few shots from the shoot.

Critiques welcome as usual! Love,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Portfolio Season

It's pretty hard to believe it's almost over. After almost a month of portfolio prep chaos, and after 8 months of working and learning to achieve it, it's here. Even though I'm going to be happy to have a bit of time for myself and for personal work, I'm going to miss everyone.  Like it or not, when you spend 75% of your time with a small group of people, you get really fond of them. Anyway, enough of the emotional talk. Here's my a couple of shots of my latest shoot.

I wanted to do something vintage inspired yet modern. Thanks to Jessica St-Jean for being an amazing model as usual.

Let me know what you think! I'll be posting frequently during the summer to show you my work. Have a good week!